Jerusalem Short Videos
Short videos of places and themes in Jerusalem, such as: Jerusalem (general info video about Jerusalem), The Temple Mount, The Holy City, Old City of Jerusalem, Syriac Mass, Stations of the Cross, Very Rev. Fr. Samuel Aghoyan - Way of Cross, Adeeb Joudeh - The Custodian of the Keys, Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem Wall, Jerusalem bars, Hebrew University in Jerusalem, places in Jerusalem and many more!

Jerusalem Video Tours
Jerusalem.com takes us to the underground tunnels to explore Jerusalem 2000 years ago in the days of the Second Temple. These mysterious tunnels revealed roman roads, shops and unique building skills which remained since the days of the bible. The Western Wall Tunnels, or Kotel Tunnels, pass underneath the Muslim Quarter and are today the closest one can get to where once stood the ‘Holy of Holies’ on the Temple Mount.
The 14 Stations of the Cross, also known as the Via Dolorosa – the path taken by Jesus as he carried the cross to his crucifixion. The Way of the Cross passes though the Muslim and Christian Quarters of Jerusalem and ends at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre where Catholics and Eastern Orthodox believe is the site of the Calvary, the tomb of Jesus and from whence Jesus has resurrected.
The place where many Protestant and Anglican Christian believe Jesus was crucified, buried & resurrected. We pass through the Garden Tomb and learn about this beautiful place and the significance of the story of Christ’s last days in Jerusalem in Christianity. A skull shaped hill is presumed to be ‘Golgotha’ hill where Jesus was crucified. Inside the garden is a tomb which may have belonged to Joseph of Arimathea and thus might be the tomb of Jesus.

Jerusalem Video
Jerusalem videos are HD videos all filmed and created by the Jerusalem.com team. As part of our mission to bring Jerusalem to the world, we invest a lot in our Jerusalem videos to convey the sights and atmosphere of Jerusalem through advanced photographic technology. Our Jerusalem Videos are the most comprehensive and up to date videos of Jerusalem and offer an unparalleled peek inside the holy city of Jerusalem both in quality and in quantity.
The Jerusalem Videos include the Jerusalem Video Tours which are led by professional local guides on site as well as short 1 minute videos of specific sites and themes in Jerusalem. All our Jerusalem Videos are professionally narrated and are geared to stimulate and inform which make the Jerusalem Videos a fun and modern way to learn and enjoy Jerusalem in the age of videos and streaming.
Jerusalem Videos is meant to bring Jerusalem to those who cannot come themselves, to those who have been here and want to reminisce, to those who intend to come and to those who are just curious or interested. All Jerusalem Videos are free and viewers can see any station within the Jerusalem Video Tours.